“Someday” Has Just Arrived

Play with abandon. Work with abandon. Be with abandon.

Okay, that sounds appealing. But…precisely what are we abandoning?

Let’s try this: Abandon rules. Restrictions. Decorum. Self-editing. Abandon your current course of action when it involves attempting to fit into someone else’s idea of “right,” or even your own. In creating art, there is no right or wrong. It is, at its core, simply self-expression. Abandon the practice of fitting in, measuring up, phoning it in, and doing someone else’s work you couldn’t care less about. Abandon thinking that limits you in any way. Which brings us to…

Firing the Judge. This is huge. Desert him. Visualize that weasly guy who insists “I can’t do it” or “I’m too old” or “I’m too (fill in the blank)….” The one who stands there with folded arms and spews criticisms we allow to paralyze us. Externalize the naysayer. Send him down the street to the Pub and let him drown his sorrows. He’s terrified by the threat of exposure. We have spent so many years covering and adapting and hiding our true selves, we are out of the practice of being real. What if we show the world who we really are? You can start by sharing your authentic self with just one other person. Let freedom reign, baby, and fire the Judge. We’re onto him; he’s not welcome in our creative process. He can come to opening night and write some nasty review; we’ll be beaming all the way back to our dressing room, arms loaded with roses, and hearts full of joy and passion for having once again successfully expressed our selves with abandon.

Abandon the grim, stifled, strained practice of grinding out another day with a false smile plastered on our face, following someone else’s rules, with the intentions of living out our passions “someday.” You know what? “Someday” has just arrived, and we are boarding that ship and sailing on the seas of love, passion, expression, freedom, and joy. This journey is even better when shared, by the way. Model abandonment, and others will be inspired to do the same. Abandonment, like laughter, is infectious. Leave your mind empty. In fact, go out of your mind, and into your body and heart, which never lie. Take the leap, and discover what miraculous opportunities flow in.

Abandon yourself to indulge in your desires and impulses. Just do it. Tune in. Discover and real-ize your dreams. Express your innermost, authentic, self. Strip away pretense. Prune branches that no longer bear joyous fruit. Let down your guard. Be vulnerable. Let people in.

Finally, trust that you’re enough. Yes! You are enough!

Trust. Allow. Expose. Share. Encourage. Be open. Experience joy. Follow your passions. Love. Live.

And do all of the above with abandon.

2 thoughts on ““Someday” Has Just Arrived

  1. Barbara Bicknell

    Hi Carrie,
    I e-mailed you a while back, congratulating you on your wonderful website and saying I’d get in touch with you in the future about meeting and studying. My question today is: could I meet with you for a consultation? I have questions and simply need to sit with someone in the know and get advice.
    What I know: I am 50 years old and am ready to finally get back on the boards and allow this dream to come to fruition. I have the talent, the desire, but not always the skin or the guts. I have a great voice, which is out of shape, but my vocal chords are wrapped in about 2 inches of mucus I haven’t been able to get rid of this winter,and I studied acting at the American Acadamy of Dramatic Arts back 84-85, I graduated. I’m very serious about this and have the discipline it takes. My body is getting back into shape too. Could we meet for 30 or 45 minutes? You name the price and I’ll come prepared with my questions and helpful information. My schedule is open for the remainder of February and early March. I work with a catering co. and not much is happening in the kitchen. You can find me on Youtube with PTD Productions Christmas Belles. I’m the long haired blonde playing Honey Raye.

    Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

    Barbara Bicknell

    1. Carrie

      Dear Barbara,

      Fabulous! You’ve just taken a bold step forward in the next exciting adventure in your life! I’ll email you some times I have open this week.

      See you soon!

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