Bring on the One-Woman/One-Man Show!

In two weeks, I will be performing at the historic Croswell Opera House. I have complete creative control of the show. I selected the material, cast the piece, directed it, designed the costumes and make-up, publicized and produced it. It is a limited engagement: one day only. Running length of the show? Approximately two-and-a-half minutes.

Yes, minutes.

It is a one-woman show, and I am the title character. The Carrie Jay Show.

Who will attend? Casting directors, music directors, choreographers, and many eager actors performing their own one-person shows.

It is audition time at Croswell for their summer season. In fact, most theatres will be holding general auditions in the next two months for their upcoming seasons. This is an exciting time to be an actor, as there are a multitude of opportunities to perform.

Each performance will last about two to four minutes. You will shower, shave, dress, and primp; you will print your recent resume, trim and staple it to your newest headshot. You will go over your lines, practice your songs, and chug water in the car on your way to the theatre. You will experience a mixture of butterflies and confidence in your gut. You will run into old friends in the lobby, and it will feel like a mini-reunion. You will sail into the audition room, head held high, and be ready to give the performance of your life.

Every audition is an opportunity to perform. We actors live to perform. It’s in our blood, our bones, our hearts. We can’t not perform. We crave more than anything that feeling of freedom and abandon when we are completely immersed in the moment, taking a risk, being real, letting down our guard, allowing our selves to be exposed — and loved for our courage. When we offer our authentic selves, and genuinely connect with another human being, we are literally a force of nature.  It is exhilarating. And we want more.

Every aspect of preparing for an audition performance is precisely what we wish for in large-scale productions. You don’t need to be a billionaire, or a celebrity, or a star to have complete creative control over the work. You choose your material. You give yourself the juiciest role. You decide what, and how and who and why. You dress and make-up the lead, stage the piece and create the world.

Most importantly, you show up, be your complete, honest and true self. You go to those places that other people fear, and you relish it. The stakes are high, your motivations are clear: I want this! And I will do whatever it takes to get it. I am going to compete and overcome obstacles and dive in with one thousand percent of myself. I am open to the creative force in the Universe, in fact, I am channeling it.  I am a force to be reckoned with.

You have uncommon courage. You are unique. And you will get the part.

Enjoy audition season — a season of performances of your brilliant one-person show. You are the star, you are brave, you can do this. Prepare, breathe, and go for it.

See you on the boards!

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